2 Ways to Make a Paper Bag Bunny for Easter
You’ll definitely want to add this paper bug bunny to your Easter activities for preschoolers and kindergarten kids! In fact, there are two different ways to make bunny bags with the kids. One is a bit more process art based, while the original is more crafty. This way, you can decide which paper bag Easter bunny works best for your students.
You can incorporate the bunny bag craft into your small group or center time. It makes a fun creative experience for the children. And the Easter bunny bags make great Easter egg hunt bags!
Related: Spring Activities for Preschoolers
Does your school have an egg hunt during the spring? I think this Easter craft is great ahead of all the eggy excitement. Even if you don’t host an Easter egg hunt, these paper bag bunnies are fun for the kids.
Paper Bag Bunny
Below you’ll find two sets of directions; one for each of the bunny bags. Pick the one that you think works best for your students, gather the materials, and then get to crafting!
Keep in mind that you can make adjustments to this art and craft project! Don’t feel like it has to be done exactly the way I share here. We’ve done this multiple times, and each times things are a little bit different. Let the kids get creative and have fun with it. Be sure to let me know in the comments how it went.
Materials for the Bunny Bags
These are the materials we used for the paper bag bunny craft. You can, of course, change things up a little bit as needed. (I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.)
- Colorful patterned scrapbook paper
- Brown gift bags with handles
- White paper lunch bags
- Pipe cleaners
- Markers
- Glue (and optional glue gun)
- Pompoms
- Googly eyes
- Paint
- Plastic eggs
Most of these items I already had on-hand. I think the only thing I had to purchase were the brown bags with handles. Of course, I’ve had about two decades to collect a stash of art and craft materials. So don’t feel bad if you don’t already have everything.
In terms of paint, get what works best for your students. I’ve used both acrylic and washable tempera paints. Either way, make sure you have something to protect the kids’ work surface, as well as their clothes.
Paper Bag Bunny Craft Directions
Let’s start off with the first bunny bags I ever made with the children. This one is the craftier of the two. The very first time these were made, I was horribly sick and out of school for a few days. So my amazing co-teacher made these with the kids.
Since she was on her own, and things were a bit rushed, she ended up prepping most of the materials for the kids ahead of time. I highly recommend having the children do as much of the bunny craft as possible. And let them be creative. Yes, even if you end up with bunnies that have 17 eyes!
- Cut scrapbook paper for the bunny’s face, eyes, nose, ears, and feet. Depending on the ages and needs of your students, they can help a lot with this process!
- Have kids choose papers for the face. Then let them glue the paper to the front of the handled gift bag.
- Next, let the children glue the ears to the top inside of the bag. This works best when the bag is laying face down.
- As the ears are drying, have the students draw the eyes for their bunny bags. Then they glue the eyes on the front of the bag.
- After that, help the children glue pipe cleaners for the whiskers. A glue gun makes this process faster!
- Once the whiskers are secured, help the kids add the nose.
- Finally, let the children place feet on their Easter bunny bags!
This version of the paper bag bunny craft is great for an egg hunt. My students loved using them during ours. The large handled bags made it so easy to hold all of their Easter goodies!
Easter Egg Roll Paint Bunny Bags
Now let’s take a look at a different way to make a paper bag bunny! This one is a bit more focused on exploring an art process. It’s a mix between an art project and a craft, in my opinion. If your students are more into finding new ways to paint, this one is for them!
Related: Easter Egg Art
- First, grab a white paper lunch bag. They come in a couple of different sizes, so pick the one prefer.
- Next, draw where the bunny ears will be along the top of the bag.
- You, or the children, can cut the ears out ahead of time. If you’d rather wait until the end, you can do that, too.
- Place the white bag in a tray or cardboard box lid. Make sure the location and the kids are protected from random paint spills.
- Then help the kids put small drops of paint on the bags. Or you can place some paint on separate paints.
- Help the kids move the tray or lid gently – enough so the egg rolls and paints the bag, but not so much that the egg goes flying around the room!
- Once the painting is done, and the bag is dry, have the kids draw a mouth and whiskers.
- Finally, let the kids glue a pompom nose and googly eyes to the paper bag bunny.
You can use pipe cleaner pieces as the whiskers if you want to! But we just drew them on for this version of the bunny bags. These are fun as Easter decorations both at home and at school. Place some Easter grass inside for even more fun. You can even glue a cotton ball “tail” to the back of the bag.
Which paper bag bunny would your students enjoy making the most? Save this post for future reference!
More Easter Bunny Crafts for Kids
If your students loved the paper bag bunnies, be sure to check out these ideas, too:
- Easy Easter Art
- Easter Bunny Spin Art
- Textured Easter Bunny Craft
- Shaving Cream Easter Bunny Art
- Wobbly Easter Bunny Craft
Do you have any favorite bunny crafts to share? Check out my Easter Preschool Activities Pinterest board for even more ideas.
Easter Lesson Plans
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Click on the image below for our Easter lesson plans. They come with a weekly overview, detailed daily plans, book suggestions, whole group lessons, small group activities, center ideas, and related printables!
You can also find us on Teachers Pay Teachers!
Originally published March 30, 2013.
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