Spooky Wheels on the Bus | Book Activities and Craftivity
The Spooky Wheels on the Bus by J. Elizabeth Mills is a Halloween twist on the popular Wheels on the Bus story and song. It's a fun read aloud for Halloween in Kindergarten and First Grade! Most students are familiar with the Wheels on the Bus version already, so they will really enjoy this version that has been modified for Halloween!
As with Wheels on the Bus, there is a bus going through the town. What's different is that it is a spooky bus, that makes Halloween sounds and is filled with Halloween characters!
For example, the wipers go CREAK, the mummies HUM, the witches CACKLE and HOWL, and the ghosts say BOO-OO-OO.
This class book will be a student favorite in your classroom library! Each student writes and draws about the things they see as they ride a bus around town on Halloween night. Spooky fun!
This story also includes a counting element. For example there is one spooky bus, three noisy cats, five big spiders, and nine magic brooms.
The spooky bus goes RATTLE and SHAKE on Halloween night!
This craftivity has students do some creative writing as they describe their own spooky bus ride. It makes a great Halloween bulletin board display to showcase student learning! The interactive book is a way for students to retell the story in sequence, while showing story comprehension.
This book activities unit is packed with Common Core aligned literacy companion activities to go with The Spooky Wheels on the Bus by J. Elizabeth Mills. It's a fun book for Halloween in Kindergarten and First Grade.