The Very Impatient Caterpillar
All of my children laughed along with this very impatient caterpillar’s journey through metamorphosis. Honestly, I think it is because all of them can relate to the “are we there yet” mentality. We parents on the other hand will feel solidarity with this impatient caterpillar’s friends.

The Very Impatient Caterpillar Details
Title: The Very Impatient Caterpillar
Author/Illustrator: Ross Burach
Publication Year: 2019
Age Group: Preschool, Kindergarten, Early Elementary
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Hilarious science books are hard to come by, but this one fits the bill. This educational picture book will teach your kids a lot about metamorphosis. However, your child will not even realize they are being presented with scientific information. They will be too busy enjoying the story of this impatient caterpillar. The story is written entirely in dialogue format which is engaging even to the youngest reader, especially those who have a lot to say and trouble waiting!
A long time ago our family did one of those butterfly gardens where we raised caterpillars and watched them go through this metamorphosis process. This would be the perfect book to accompany that activity! By giving the caterpillar in the story such a strong, distinctive personality, the kids will better attach to the insects they are raising and enjoy imagining them being as impatient as the insect in this tale.
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